News  Notes from Alley


The Liebster Awards - Allison Crowe Picks ~ March 18



It's with great delight, cheery pride and warm thanks that Allison Crowe, the blog, this weekend received a prestigious Liebster Award from “1 Heck of a Guy” - everybody’s favourite blog written by a psychiatrist that is rife with Leonard Cohen-based hilarity, love stories, essays on broomcorn, and proposals for a county seal featuring Dick Tracy.


In something of a reverse engineering feat to the drummers in Spinal Tap spontaneously combusting, the recipients of a Liebster Blog Award spontaneously come together. It’s a fun way to share passions, and introduce more people to singular blogs – Liebster being a German word for dearest, beloved, or favourite.


Being an award sparked by humanity, and non-corporate in nature, there’s not a lot of red-tape to the proceedings. Still, we learn from Dr. Heck, aka DrHGuy, aka Allan Showalter, blogmeister of “1 Heck of a Guy”, for recipients there is some form to keep things functioning:


“1.. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2.. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
3.. Copy & paste the blog award on your blog.
4.. Reveal your own 5 blog picks.
5.. Let them know you chose them by posting on their blog.”


(Dr H further advises: “The policy indicates that blogs selected should have fewer than 200 followers, but this appears to be uniformly ignored.”)


Now, following a vegan drum roll, here are the five recipients of the Liebster Blog Award, as so bestowed by Allison Crowe:


Liebster Blog Award



Heather on a Rock - Acting, physiotherapy... These are just a a couple of the many things that my über-talented friend Heather Rumbolt can do! Add writing to that list - you can now check out her humorous and incredibly honest blog, Heather on a Rock (Warning: contains some strong language and adult themes - and total hilariousness.) Here are two posts to get you started on your road to Heather: Half-baked Recipe for a Happier You  +  Flamin’ Hot Yogi Ready to be Lululemonated


the little red chicken - Another of my super-talented actor friends, (she's touring right now with the NL play "Tempting Providence" all across Canada - to rave reviews!), Willow Kean’s passion for food is legendary - and now you can learn her ways through her blog! Willow's fun and charming stories create the perfect setting for the delicious recipes within! - Corner Brook super-citizen Tom Cochrane, (a writer and photog, among many, many other things!), created this blog originally as a site to keep us up with the local happenings in and around Corner Brook, Newfoundland - and it has done an AMAZING job of doing just that! It's now exploded on to the scene with multiple talented writers, photographers - you name it, they've got it. Way to go Tom!


Post Punk Kitchen - This is my go-to site for looking up what I want to have for dinner. Isa Chandra Moskowitz is a super-vegan extraordinaire! Her book "Veganomicon" has become a vegan kitchen staple - among her many other books - and she is kind enough to share her recipes with those of us who turn to her online. She is always willing to help out if you have a question on her facebook page! - thank you Isa for all that you do!


Chocolate-Covered Katie - So much delicious, delicious chocolate - and many other delicious desserts - and all of them good for you! Katie posts super-often, which is great, because I am always waiting to hear what genius healthy dessert she's come up with now! She's always willing to help out if you have a question as well - which is fantastic - and you can LITERALLY have your cake and eat it too. Her larabar recipes are to die for - and seriously, try the cookie dough dip - made with chickpeas! It blows my mind. (don't overblend it though!)






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